16th Annual Tracy Firefighters Crab Feed

16th Annual Tracy Firefighters Crab Feed

Welcome to the 16th Annual Tracy Firefighters Crab Feed! Join us for a night of delicious crab, great company, and fun at the I.P.F.E.S. Portuguese Hall of Tracy. Get ready to crack some shells and enjoy a feast fit for a firefighter! Don't miss out on this tasty tradition - grab your tickets now!


2023 Turkey Drive

Thursday November 16th, Tracy firefighters delivered 222 turkeys to other organizations in town that supply those in need for the holidays. We look forward to our annual turkey drive event, and the opportunity to give back. We supplied turkeys to Tracy Interfaith Ministries, St. Bernard's church, Larch/Clover Community Center, and Tracy Rotary. We hope everybody had a Great Thanksgiving!






6th Annual Golf Tournament Sponsors

The Tracy Firefighters Charity is excited to bring back the Annual Charity Golf Tournament. To make this event a success we are reaching out to local individuals or businesses that would like to help with sponsoring the event. If you or your businesses are interested, please contact Eric Oliveri at (209)321-5371 or email at 3355charitygolf@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you all out on the course!


14th Annual Tracy Firefighters Crab Feed


Join us for the 14th Annual Tracy Firefighters Crab Feed. Come for the crab and stay for the raffle, auction, music and dancing. Tickets are available online only at Eventbrite.com. Cost is $75 plus processing fee. We are looking forward to another great night and hope to see you there!

14th Annual Tracy Firefighters Charity Crab Feed


2022 Turkey Drive

The Tracy Firefighters Charity held our Annual Turkey Drive on Thursday, November 17. We were able to purchase 128 turkeys and hand them out to four organizations within the city. Turkeys were donated to Tracy Interfaith Ministries, Larch/Clover Community Center, St Bernard's Church and Rotary Club of Tracy Sunrise. We would like to thank the crew at Tracy Wal-Mart for helping get all the turkeys together for us. We hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!