Tracy Firefighter’s along with Home Depot able to help a Tracy man

ramp 3 wheel chair ramp 2

Tracy Firefighters responded to a Fire Incident where a disabled man's only  wheelchair access to his home was destroyed in the fire. After mitigating the incident the responding crew as well as another crew of Tracy Firefighters were able to rebuild the mans porch, along with wheel chair access. Home Depot donated all of the supplies that were necessary to accomplish the project. The Tracy Firefighters are proud to be able to help the community beyond fire fighting and have a huge respect for businesses of the community, like Home Depot, who care enough to help when people are in need.


TFFC Turkey Drive 2014

TFFC was able to purchase 156 turkeys this year and donate them to the following organizations; Tracy Interfaith (76 turkeys), St Bernard’s School(Tracy Interfaith-overflow)  (40 turkeys) and The Great Plate (40 turkeys). Several off duty personnel, with their family members, as well as some of our reserves and explorers  load, transport and delivered the turkeys to these charitable organizations.

Happy Holliday's


Turkey Drive 2014
Turkey Drive 2014


Check out the 41st Annual Pancake Breakfast October 11th (Tracy) October 18th (Mountain House)

PCB Tracy Flyer

PCB MH Flyer


The Tracy Firefighter's will be hosting their annual (41st) Pancake Breakfast in Tracy on October 11th (Saturday) and October 18th (Saturday). The Breakfast starts and 6 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. There will be a raffle, T-shirts for sale, an auto extrication, a Firefighter Combat challenge for the kids and of course Pancakes.

Please bring your friends and family out to both breakfasts, hang out with your Local Firefighters, and have some Pancakes!

Hope to see you there!




Tracy Firefighter’s was able to give over $4000 to help the community of Tracy and Mountain House


TFFC Final Logo (no banner)

The Tracy Firefighters were fortunate enough to raise over $4000 dollars (from charity events). The money was dispersed through the website "application" process to the most in need of the community. The beneficiaries of the money are as follows:

  • Mountain House donations

    • Bethany School Foundation - $500

    • Mountain House Little League - $1000

  • Tracy

    • Brighter Christmas $500

    • DARE $500

    • Great Plate, St. Bernards, Interfaith (Turkeys)

    • Case for Kids (original foundation) -  $500

    • Case for Kids– $100

    • Sow a Seed (Rhodesia Ransom) - $500

    • Tanika Zuniga (for Grandmother with abandoned newborns) – $250

    • Distinguished Young Women - $500

    • Sister City  Association –

    • Noahs Ark – $250

    • Crossfire Soccer Club – $250

    • Tracy Express Sponsorship – $250

    • Environmental Alternatives - $300

    • Relay for life - $500

    •  Tracy Fire Explorers (A Boy Scouts of America Program) - $500

The Tracy Firefighters are very proud to be able to give back to the community that we serve. We thank the citizens for all of their support.

TFFC 3355


Tracy Firefighters Raise $7,000 for Local Charities of Tracy and Mountain House

2011 TRACY-FIRE-PANCAKE-BREAKFAST-left-ChestTracy Firefighter were able to raise over $7,000 in proceeds during the 40th annual "Pancake Breakfast". All of the proceeds will go to local charities of the Tracy and Mountain House area.

We would like to thank everyone who supported the event and we has a great time seeing the community at the fire house.

Please submit an "Application For Donation" above by clicking the tab, if in need of a donation from TFFC 3355. The most in need will be assisted with the resources that we have available.

Thank you very much

TFFC 3355

40th Annual Pancake Breakfast October 5th… Mountain House October 12th


The 40th Annual Tracy Firefigthter's Pancake Breakfast is coming. October 5th at 6a.m marks the start of the 40th annual family gathering. There will be plenty for the kids including Sparky the Fire Dog, Auto Extrication Demo, Coloring, Kids Firefighter Combat Challenge, and of course Pancakes. Please come out and join the Tracy Firefighter's at Station #91 @ 1701 W. 11th Street on October 5th and again the following Saturday October 12th in Mountain house and get your 40th annual Pancake T-shirt. Parking for the Tracy location will be behind and in the Parking Lot of Pombo Real Estate and overflow parking will be and the Church across the street (Signs will direct you in). Tickets are $6 for adults and $5 for Children and Seniors and can be purchased at the front door. 100% of the proceeds go to the most needy in the City of Tracy. Please come help the cause!

TFFC #3355

Tracy Firefighter’s Give $500 to “Tracy Distinguished Young Women”


Tracy Firefighter's were able to donate $500 dollars to a great program. The Distinguished Young Women "promotes living a healthy lifestyle, being ambitious, being involved in one's community, being responsible for one's own actions,  and striving for scholastic excellence," said the 2013 winner of the award. Tracy Fire Congratulates the contestants for their community support and hard work and is very proud to able to support such great endeavors.