The Tracy Firefighters were fortunate enough to raise over $4000 dollars (from charity events). The money was dispersed through the Tracyfirefighterscharity.org website "application" process to the most in need of the community. The beneficiaries of the money are as follows:
- Mountain House donations
- Bethany School Foundation - $500
- Mountain House Little League - $1000
- Tracy
- Brighter Christmas $500
- DARE $500
- Great Plate, St. Bernards, Interfaith (Turkeys)
- Case for Kids (original foundation) - $500
- Case for Kids– $100
- Sow a Seed (Rhodesia Ransom) - $500
- Tanika Zuniga (for Grandmother with abandoned newborns) – $250
- Distinguished Young Women - $500
- Sister City Association –
- Noahs Ark – $250
- Crossfire Soccer Club – $250
- Tracy Express Sponsorship – $250
- Environmental Alternatives - $300
- Relay for life - $500
- Tracy Fire Explorers (A Boy Scouts of America Program) - $500
The Tracy Firefighters are very proud to be able to give back to the community that we serve. We thank the citizens for all of their support.
TFFC 3355